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Th Territoryinker 
What can you do for us?Ohsweat?

The project is moving forward! From IT's Time To Think we open theThinker Territory, a space for those people who are inspired, with the urge to share more reflections, stories after thinkglaos or thinktalks. The goal is to grow TOGETHER and be able to do something BIG where we can give visibility, more and more, every day, to reach all corners of the world. In addition, we offer different activities where all help will be welcome,!THANK YOU

Participatory Community

By joining theCommunity, we will add you to a Telegram group  exclusiveThinker Territory for those who are interested in sharing stories, thoughts and any reflections on theIssues

Luceros on social networks

We do not have heavy machinery and large marketing budgets to reach the entire world with our project. We have a WhatsApp group for those ppeople who want to post our stories, tweets or likes" to start with the inertia of our publications.

Write reflections on our blog

Thinkglaos do not leave us indifferent and many times we need to verbalize them, write them on paper. In this sense, weWe offer to be your speaker anonymously or publicly on networks (as you prefer) to share your deepest reflections.

Help at events

We need hands to organize the events: setting up tables, making sure there is no shortage of drinks... and the most fun part, cleaning the entire Thinkglao.Help in a timely mannerthat will allow you to see the project from the inside and enjoy it for free.

Set up a Thinkglao in your city

Spain or any part of the world. We bring IT's Time To Think to your place of origin. For this, we take care of the logistics and support from Madrid, you will only have to think about the physical space and tell everyone you know.

Audiovisual content editing

Right now we are working on opening in many cities at the same time, to do this we need people willing to edit all our audiovisual material, know how to do cool things with the camera and thus improve our communication with all of you.

Join the community!


¿En qué puedes ayudar? 

Seleccion una o varias

!Gracias por tu ayuda!

Form Comuniad
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